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What is the CX world talking about?

Free Webinar: What Actions are CX Top Performers Taking to Succeed in 2024

Join us to learn what top performers in Customer Experience do differently that sets them ahead of the competition. Date: May 29 Time: 9 am BST (UTC +1), 10 am CEST (UTC +2), 11 am EEST (UTC +3) Running time: 45 min Can't attend live? Register anyway, and...

Fireside Chat Webinar With Zendesk CTO Matthias Göhler: Transforming Customer Service With Generative AI

Join us to learn the must-know about generative AI, how you can benefit from it, and how to get started. Date: April 24 Time: 9 am BST (UTC +1), 10 am CEST (UTC +2), 11 am EEST (UTC +3) Running time: 45 min Can't join in real time? No worries, all the...

Future CX Outlook: Have Your Say on the Future of CX

Does your business invest in CX? Every year hundreds of CX and marketing professionals like you take the survey to help the industry gain a better understanding of the trends of CX. Share your insight on the future of CX and gain early access to our latest report on...

Free Webinar: From Service to Joy: Motivating Your Team to Truly Care

Join us to learn how to empower your staff to always deliver extraordinary service and motivate them on how to truly care! Date: February 29 Time: 9 am GMT (UTC +0), 10 am CET (UTC +1), 11 am EET (UTC +2) Running time: 45 min Can't join in real time? No...
EVI® – The Next Big Thing In CX Since The NPS

EVI® – The Next Big Thing In CX Since The NPS

To this point, we have been living in the world of simplification. And to be honest, we still do and that is a good thing. But we would need to be able to look deeper than just satisfaction, recommendations, and ease of doing business. The study of Emotional...

Have Your Say On The Future Of CX!

Have Your Say On The Future Of CX!

Does your business invest in CX? Every year hundreds CX and marketing professionals like you take the survey to help the industry to gain a better understanding of the trends of CX. Share your insight on the future of CX and gain early access to our latest report on...

Why is customer journey mapping important?

Why is customer journey mapping important?

The customer journey is an integral element to understand customer experience effectively and gain advantages from it. It is the sum of different stages through which a customer passes, beginning from the first encounter with the brand until the post-purchase...

Customer journey is taking over

Customer journey is taking over

‘Customer is the King’ and no one’s kidding about it. In an era where the business world is a spectrum of intense competition, every organization must strive to survive by utilizing the best strategies available out there. Even though you might already be aware of...

AI is still a utility of the few

AI is still a utility of the few

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not only popular in headlines these days – but there is also an increasing number of published research papers on subjects pertaining to AI, making it an all-round hot topic. Although there is a lot of hype and anticipation about...


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