Why Your Business Should Measure Emotional Experience

Why Your Business Should Measure Emotional Experience

There’s no doubt that emotions play a significant role in our purchasing behaviors. All of us have made at least one impulsive purchase in our life because it made us excited or happy. Similarly, we have also walked away or given up purchasing due to negative emotions.

For businesses, this emotional gratification or dissatisfaction is a treasure trove of customer data, and in this article, I will explain why! 

What is Emotional Experience?

Emotional Experience (EE) looks at how customers feel about your brand and its product(s). While customers can experience different emotions throughout the customer journey, EE looks at the overall emotional perception. Measuring emotional experience can help businesses elevate customer experience and generate more revenue. 

How to Measure Emotional Experience?

The idea of measuring emotions might sound like a surreal concept. But, fortunately, there’s a standardized way to measure them, and it works! The Emotional Value Index (EVI®) is the metric that measures customers’ emotions at various touchpoints as well as the entire customer journey. The EVI® survey asks customers and leads to specify the emotion they feel at different stages. For this, you need to select a common set of emotions associated with buyers, track the responses, and derive a value using the EVI® formula. If you want to learn more, click here

Why Should a Business Measure Emotional Experience?

  1. It can be used on any level of CX measurement 

One of the main benefits of EVI®, when compared to other KPIs, is its versatility. You can apply it both at the micro and macro-level and gain valuable insights into customer behavior. At the micro-level, it can be used to assess the quality of individual touchpoints and understand individual customer relationships. It is a vital tool for businesses to provide personalized experiences. At the macro-level, it gives you a holistic view of your brand, which will show how your brand is perceived in one glance.

  1. It can be measured throughout the customer journey 

Unlike NPS, which is suggested to be used only post-purchase, EVI® surveys can track customer behavior from the moment they come in contact with your store until the end. EVI® can be applied at any touchpoint or phase in the customer journey as customers deal with emotions from beginning to end. The ultimate goal is to induce a consistent or near consistent influx of emotions in customers as they move from one stage to another. You also streamline the measure of CX by using one metric to track all stages, and it avoids the disparity that brands face when using separate metrics for each phase. 

  1. It gives you a deeper insight into why people take specific actions 

Emotions govern our purchasing behavior, and when they are downplayed by pain points or elevated by fabulous service, we take different actions. Through EVI®, you understand what compelled the customer to choose your brand, ditch their cart halfway through, or come back for another purchase. Thanks to the very exact emotions that are measured, EVI® makes it easier for brands to adapt to customer requirements and serve their best interests. It would also help you upsell better by understanding different customer personas and targeting those who prefer premium or combined purchases. 

  1. It can be enriched with your sales data for better revenue 

Integrating the EVI® data with your sales data can help you understand the correlations of different emotions with revenue. EVI® analytics will help you identify what emotions drive the highest sales and focus on delivering a high-quality service that triggers the specific emotion. These actionable insights are vital for any business that strive to generate more revenue with happier customers. Similarly, EVI® also helps brands understand the true cost of dissatisfied customers.Did you know that customers who feel positive emotions towards your products and services spend up to 40% more compared to those who feel negative? This is groundbreaking and makes it a no-brainer that Emotional Experience measurement is important. If you would like to learn more about it, I also suggest checking out this very comprehensive free ebook about Emotional Experience and EVI®.


The impact of chat service on the e-commerce CX

The impact of chat service on the e-commerce CX

A good digital customer experience is proven to contribute to online customer satisfaction, sales, customer loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth communication. However, very little research has been done on the topic, especially in Finland, although digital customer experience has been a big topic in sales and marketing discussion for a long time.

The effects of using Finnchat’s chat service on e-commerce customer experience and attitudes towards e-commerce were extensively studied in 2017. The study included five large Finnish e-commerce stores and a survey was conducted for e-commerce customers who had made a purchase in the previous two months. This remains still the largest and most extensive study on the subject to date in Finland.

A total of 7228 responses were received to the study. The group comparison of the results analysis distinguished between respondents who used the help of Finnchat’s chat agent in connection with the last purchase (“chat respondents”; n = 655) and respondents who did not use it (“non-chat” n = 6573).

The benefits of chat for online shopping

The research results showed that the chat service brings significant benefits to online shopping. Chat service was found to improve the sales efficiency of e-commerce visits, but also to bring long-term benefits through an improved customer experience.

The main benefits of the chat service for online stores that emerged from the study:

  • The customer buys more
  • The customer buys more often
  • Customer exit is decreasing
  • The number of recommenders is growing
  • Commitment to the brand is growing
  • Customer satisfaction is improving

Customers using the e-commerce chat service:

  • Recommended e-commerce 47.5 % more likely
  • 40.7 % more likely to trust the online store
  • Intended to make repurchases 28.0% more likely
  • Were satisfied with e-commerce 27.3% more likely

According to the research results, chat agents were able to solve 72.4 % of the problems faced by the customer in online shopping. A chat conversation during an e-commerce visit nearly tenfold the probability of a customer making a purchase (an improvement in the conversion rate of 895 %).

E-commerce sales per session (= sales euros per e-commerce visit) was 1310 % higher when the visit was combined with a chat.

Customers with experience in the chat service were 39.7 % less likely to leave the online store when they encountered the problem, and the average purchase of a chat customer was 37 % higher than other customers.

The importance of the chat service in purchasing decisions during an e-commerce visit

The three most important things that customers who tried the chat service needed help in the study:

  1. Getting more information about the products
  2. Inquiry about product availability
  3. Selection of suitable products

Customers needed help from chat customer service especially for things that support the purchase decision. According to the results of the survey, Finnchat’s chat agents are able to meet customers’ needs and help customers make purchase decisions. 85.0 % of chat respondents found the chat service useful when making their previous purchase in an online store and 64.1% of chat respondents felt that they would not have been able to make their purchase decision without the help of the chat customer service.

Now in 2021 interacting within websites is a very important factor in digital CX. Chat service is one big thing when interacting on your websites, but it is not the only one. We believe that creating different service layers within a website is a good way to develop the digital CX. These service layers include proactive self-service, automation (chatbots and AI), personal chat service, and expert service to solve the most challenging cases.

Digital CX – download all research data for your use
From our free e-book about digital customer experience, you’ll find a more detailed summary of the results of that study. In addition to the statistics found in this article, the e-book covers the importance of the chat service in the following areas of research:

– The effects of chat conversations on customer attitudes and shopping experience
– E-commerce visit manageability

– Finding information in an online store

– Trust and satisfaction with e-commerce

– E-commerce customer loyalty

In addition to this research, the e-book covers in detail how digital customer experience and holistic customer experience are formed. At the moment, this e-book is available only in Finnish. You can download the e-book from HERE.

Pietari works as a Marketing Manager at Finnchat, which as a company strives to improve the quality of the digital customer experience with its services. Pietari has an extensive work history of more than five years in the marketing office and his areas of expertise are in the field of digital marketing and content production. In his spare time, Pietari is a passionate fly fisherman who has been a member of Fly Fishing Team Finland since 2015 and has written dozens of articles for fishing magazines. Pietari can also be spotted on endurance running loops several times a week. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pietari-sipponen/

Webinar gratuito: la experiencia emocional – una nueva métrica para medir CX

Webinar gratuito: la experiencia emocional – una nueva métrica para medir CX

Recording now available!

>> Enjoy the recording of the webinar here

Medir la experiencia del cliente siempre ha sido importante, el contexto actual ha hecho que sea indispensable. Solo unas pocas compañías o marcas pueden diferenciarse e ignorar al cliente y no entender que la experiencia al cliente sea una ventaja competitiva.

Probablemente esté de acuerdo y a la vez sepa que la recopilación de datos (CX) y la capitalización de estos, son clave para su negocio, aunque el reto reside en identificar las acciones que deben implementarse … aunque no están siempre tan claras.

Feedbackly junto con el CX Forum ha desarrollado una métrica (completamente nueva) de medición de la experiencia emocional. Este nuevo marco toma en consideración la gran variedad de emociones y cómo estas emociones impactan en los resultados de su negocio. Estaremos encantados de compartir con usted los datos y detalles más relevantes durante nuestro webinar

Participe en nuestro Webinar el el próximo 27 de Mayo, para encontrar las respuestas a algunas preguntas clave sobre cómo las emociones impactan en los resultados de su negocio y cómo puede utilizarlas para hacer crecer su negocio.

El seminario web se lo ofrecen Feedbackly y ShowCx

>> Enjoy the recording of the webinar here


Durante este webinar se hablará de los siguientes aspectos:

  • ¿Qué es la experiencia emocional y por qué es importante?
  • ¿Cómo recopilar datos sobre la experiencia emocional?
  • ¿Qué KPIs se deberían aplicar para analizar la Experiencia Emocional?
  • ¿Qué se debe tener en cuenta a la hora de analizar los datos de CX?
  • ¿Cuáles son los errores más comunes que se deben evitar?

Fecha: 27 de Mayo, 2021

Hora: 10 AM PET (UTC -5)

Tiempo de duración: 45 min

PS! No se preocupe si no puede asistir. Regístrese ahora y tendrá acceso a la grabación, a posteriori.

>> Enjoy the recording of the webinar here


Sobre Jaakko Männistö

Jaakko es un apasionado profesional del CX, uno de los creadores del EVI® Emotional Value IndexTM es fundador y director ejecutivo de Feedbackly, cofundador de CX Forum y de la CX Academy y autor del manual de CX The Journey. A la vez que investigador en el área del uso de herramientas de inteligencia artificial con aplicación en el área de la experiencia al cliente. Jaakko ha sido incluido en la lista “CX Rising star” de Forbes 30 Under 30

Sobre Luigi Casanova

Luigi Casanova además de ser un emprendedor con una dilatada y exitosa experiencia en el campo CX, es un referente en el mercado Peruano, a través de su consultora especializada: Show CX, a través de la cual dan soporte a clientes (de sectores diversos) en el diseño o re-diseño y/o desarrollo de experiencias que mejoren la calidad de vida y estados de ánimo de las personas; haciendo negocios más plurales y rentables para sus clientes. Además cuenta con una dilatada carrera en la docencia, por ejemplo dirigiendo el Programas de Especialización en Customer Experience Management de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (edited)



Free recording now available:

How To STOP Workplace Violence?

How To STOP Workplace Violence?

Workplace violence is rising at an alarming rate. Although many leaders and staff are concerned, most don’t know how or where to begin to solve this horrific problem. The following is my interview with a renowned expert. I hope this resonates and causes you to become proactive toward solving this serious issue!

We are all too familiar with the violence in Columbine, at the Annapolis Capital Gazette, the Washington Navy Yard, the Kroger-owned supermarket in Boulder CO, massage parlors in Atlanta, Orange County, CA, and many many others. They have resulted in people killed, terrified employees, and suffering families. With workplace violence on the rise, it should be no surprise that 1 out of 7 Americans does not feel safe at work, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, (SHRM) known as – the voice of all things “work.”

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If you are a business owner, CEO, manager, or human resource professional, it is highly likely that you are concerned but ill-prepared to deal with preventing workplace violence. How could you not be with so many employees voicing their fears.” This is according to Felix Nater, a nationally recognized Workplace Violence Prevention Advisor. Felix has thirty years of experience, many awards, and recognitions including, from the prestigious International Association of Professional Security Consultants, (IAPSC). I felt that Felix would be an ideal expert, for advice on this topic. Recently, he agreed to meet with me to discuss the subject for this ASK ALAN (business advice and idea) column.

Please help put workplace violence in perspective.
“The problem is much greater than you would think. Nearly half of HR professionals said their organization had at some point experienced a workplace violence incident—up from 36 percent in 2012. And of those who reported having ever experienced workplace violence, over half said their organization had experienced an incident in the last year.“
Many business owners deny that workplace violence is an important issue for their “small” businesses. Is workplace violence limited to the size of the business?
“This is a common misunderstanding, the answer is no. No business is immune. Small brick-and-mortar businesses with just a few employees are as vulnerable as hospitals, educational institutions, and large corporations.Another mistake is underestimating the multiple layers and dimensions of the issue. Most often, company management only focuses on prevention. To be truly effective, businesses must consider this issue in terms of securitypreventiontraining, and response.”

The negative media coverage seems to only spotlight active shooters. What harm does this limited focus present?

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“The reality is that media stories about active shooters attract viewers and sell newspapers. However, workplace violence takes many shapes and forms including, bullying, harassment, disgruntled employees, intimate partner violence that has workplace spillover, and domestic violence, all in addition to active shooter violence.”
Many business owners tell me that they have trained their managers and supervisors about what to do in the event of an episode of workplace violence. What is wrong with this picture?
“Waiting for an event to happen, then acting while it is underway, is a troubling response. Workplace violence has multiple levels of complexity. There are several things that should take place before a violent situation occurs. When an event happens, determining what tactics should be employed and by whom must be planned for in advance. Additionally, every employee has a role to play if the company is to mitigate the threat and dangers of workplace violence.”
What do you tell leaders who are genuinely and sincerely interested in a safe working environment?
“I tell them that they need a trusted, objective, outside consultant, with years of experience in mitigating workplace violence. It is impossible to alleviate employee fears using internal resources alone. I also tell them, that to do this requires a process implemented through collaborative organizational engagement. The process requires management to be logical, thoughtful, and be as comprehensive as possible.”

“The process begins with a comprehensive assessment. This assessment is intended to uncover gaps in any existing violence prevention initiative that could help thwart the next homicidal threat, workplace suicide or intimate partner workplace spillover violence. Gaps may include unintentional consequences of policies, procedures, protocols, access control, visitor management, separations and discipline, and new employee screening. This assessment also includes the specific nature of the workplace, policies, plans, procedures, technology, supervision, and training.”
Once a trusted consultant/advisor is retained, what can management expect to learn, change or do differently to mitigate the risk of workplace violence?
“Management will become more sensitive and learn how to:
     • Recognize warning signs, risk factors, and contributing conditions
     • Manage situations
     • Be in charge of one’s behavior in managing the potentially hostile workplace
     • Discover what being proactive really means
     • Use and rely on organizational resources
     • Lead with purpose
     • Seize the moment
     • Assess and evaluate situations on the spot
     • Conduct future comprehensive worksite specific assessments
     • Take corrective measures with policies that are proactive rather than reactive
     • Report, advise, and inform all involved”
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Interviewing Felix taught me a great deal about workplace violence issues that I was previously unaware of. The problems are multi-faceted and complex. They require more than a casual conversation or meetings among executives, managers, supervisors, and co-workers. To tackle the problems successfully management needs to acquire a new way of proactive leadership skill that must begin at the top. The ROI for collaborating with a qualified workplace violence specialist will be measured in the comfort level of all employees. Employees will recognize that company leaders never take the potential for workplace violence for granted.

Felix Nater is the Chief Security Consultant, (CSC) at Nater Associates, Ltd. He is a retired U.S. Postal Inspector and current security management consultant with over 30 years of experience and expertise. 704-784-0260 / Toll Free: 877-825-8101 https://www.naterassociates.com. For a convenient date to meet with Alan virtually, click here.

About Alan

I coach sincere high-performing business people. In addition to one-on-one coaching, I host confidential, selective, non-competing, peer mentoring advisor groups. I have created several businesses including Party City Corp. and my current, Alan Adler & Associates, LLC. Earlier in my career, I was the national spokesperson for one of the world’s largest corporations. I’ve written two books about my business passions, “Getting the Fish to Swim to YOU & Keeping Them in YOUR Boat”and “UpStream.”
To meet with me (virtually), click here to schedule a convenient date/time
I work in person or virtually via Zoom.
(704) 948-4341
Email: alan@alan-adler.com

Originally published at: https://www.alan-adler.com/ask-alan-how-to-stop-workplace-violence/#more-4516

FREE Webinar: What Actions Are CX Top Performers Taking To Succeed

FREE Webinar: What Actions Are CX Top Performers Taking To Succeed

Would you like to learn what the top performers do in the field of Customer Experience?

We wanted it as well. That is the reason why we went out there and asked nearly 500 market leaders and top performers in CX what they do regarding their CX activities, budgets, and plans for the future. What we got is a comprehensive package from practical data and a vast future outlook on where the CX market is going and how top companies are putting their customers at the heart of their strategy in the future. We are excited to share with you the key facts and insights from the Future CX Outlook Report.

Join us on April 28 to understand where the CX budgets are appointed and what the industry feels about how to quantify the ROI of Customer Experience efforts all the way to the rise of the emotional experience measurement.

>> Enjoy your free recording here

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Who owns the responsibilities of running CX strategies in the companies and how it is distributed?
  • What are the main targets of investments in CX for the coming years?
  • How new challenges like quantifying your ROI are impacting the activities the professionals take?
  • What are the future trends of the Customer Experience industry that the top performers are already investing in right now?

Date: Wednesday, April 28
Time: 9 AM EST (UTC -4)/ 4 PM EET (UTC +3)
Running time: 45 min

PS! No worries if you are not able to attend in real-time. Register now and we’ll send a recording afterward!

>> Enjoy your free recording here

This webinar is brought to you by CXforum, Carepage and Feedbackly.

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