We know CX matters when it comes to sales. Today, a whopping 46% of consumers say that customer experience is the main driver of the purchase decision whereas pricing is only 20%. But what is the main driver of customer experience? Emotions.

Emotions are the key drivers that ultimately determine whether we buy or not. They comprise the most vital part of the customer experience: Everything from customer satisfaction to the willingness to recommend is tied to them. Furthermore, once we’ve decided to buy, we choose which company to do business with based on the experience and the emotional drivers behind it.

The research done by Mr. Colin Shaw and his team from the London School of Economics shows that rather than focusing solely on NPS and CES, you need to shift your attention to creating emotions that you want to elicit throughout the customer journey and find a way to measure them

This led to the creation of the EVI® or the Emotional Value Index. The Emotional Value Index (EVI®) measures the level and types of emotion that drive your sales. It automatically delivers invaluable data and insight which can be used to optimize your business to drive better results.

This ebook is created by CXforum and Feedbackly.

From this ebook you will learn:

  • What is Emotional Experience and why it is important
  • What is the Emotional Value Index (EVI®)
  • How to measure Emotional Experience and EVI®
  • How to calculate EVI®
  • What can you learn from the EVI®

The ebook also includes links to additional free resources about Emotional Experience and EVI®!

Download your free ebook here: