Free Webinar: What’s After NPS? Emotional Experience Is Dominating The CX Market

Free Webinar: What’s After NPS? Emotional Experience Is Dominating The CX Market

Recording now available!

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Technology is developing faster than ever before and this is one of the reasons why Customer Experience and managing it has become a competitive advantage of the businesses that win in the long term. In order to manage it, you need to measure it. Leaders in CX know it and this is what differentiates them from the average business. But there is one thing that even the leaders are still learning about – how to measure Emotional Experience.

Purchase decision making has turned into more emotion, experience and customer journey based, but the methods businesses use today for measuring experiences are still on the level they were back in the 70s. Customer behavior has changed and it’s time to keep up with it. Are you keeping up with the new trends?

If you read this, you probably agree that human behavior has changed. This is why we have put together this webinar and invited two Emotional Experience pioneers, Minna Killström and Jaakko Männistö, to talk about what is Emotional Experience, how it is impacting your business revenue, and how you can measure and manage it.

>> Enjoy your free recording here

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How purchase decision making has changed towards more emotion-based
  • What is Emotional Experience and how it is impacting your business revenue
  • How can you collect data about your Emotional Experience
  • Which KPIs to use for analyzing Emotional Experience
  • What are the common pitfalls in measuring Emotional Experience and how to avoid them

Date: Tuesday, December 21st
Time: 9 AM EST (UTC -5)/4 PM EET (UTC +2)
Running time: 60 min

>> Enjoy your free recording here

>> Enjoy your free recording here

About the speakers:

Minna Killström Linkedin

Ph.D. of Economics, Nonfiction Author, Customer Experience Professional
Minna is a CX developer and expert interested in people and emotions. She has experience in business development, consulting and marketing. As a sign of her commitment to human behavior’s impact on business, Minna has a Ph.D. in Strategic Communication.

Jaakko Männistö Linkedin

Awarded CX Leader, Founder, Researcher
Jaakko is a startup entrepreneur and an internationally awarded CX professional. Jaakko is a founder and CEO of Feedbackly, co-founder of CX Academy and CXforum. He also is one of the developers of the Emotional Value Index (EVI®) measurement framework and a global front-runner in Emotional Experience.

This webinar is brought to you by CXforum, Carepage ja Feedbackly.

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Free Webinar: What’s After NPS? Emotional Experience Is Dominating The CX Market

Ilmainen webinaari: Mitä NPS:n jälkeen? Tunnekokemus valtaa markkinoita suositteluindeksiltä

Webinaari saatavana nyt tallenteena!

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Teknologian kehittyessä entistä nopeampaa, asiakaskokemuksesta ja sen johtamisesta on tullut tärkein pitkän aikavälin kilpailuetu, jota myös halutaan johtaa ja mitata. Sen vuoksi mittaamisesta on tullut suositumpaa kuin koskaan, eikä syyttä. Teknologian nopeassa kehityksessä vain harvat yritykset pystyvät kilpailemaan puhtaasti teknologian pohjalta ja jättämään asiakkaan huomiotta. Asiakaskokemus on uusi kilpailuetu, joka ratkaisee sen, pysytkö kilpailussa mukana vai et.

Ongelma on se, että vaikka ostokäyttäytyminen on muuttunut tunne-, kokemus- ja asiakaspolkuvetoiseksi, mittaamme asiakaskokemuksia yhä kuten 70-luvulla. Liiketoiminta ja ennen kaikkea asiakas muuttui, mutta me jäimme viime vuosituhannelle.

Jos luet tätä, olet todennäköisesti samaa mieltä.

CX Forumilla on ilo esitellä, ensimmäinen suomenkielinen webinaarimme, jossa mukana keskustelemassa kaksi tunnekokemuksen suomalaista pioneeriä, Minna Killström ja Jaakko Männistö. Käymme läpi mitä on tunnekokemus, miksi se on tärkeää juuri sinun liiketoiminnalle ja miten sitä voi johtaa ja mitata. Minnan ja Jaakon käytännönläheinen lähestyminen aiheeseen on saanut kiitosta ja vetänyt maailmalla suuria yleisöjä.

>> Katso ilmainen tallenne täältä

Tässä webinaarissa opit:

  • Miten ostopäätösten teko on muuttunut tunnelähtöisemmäksi
  • Mitä tunnekokemus on ja miksi se on tärkeää juuri sinun liiketoiminnallesi
  • Kuinka kerätä tietoa tunnekokemuksesta
  • Mitä mittareita meidän tulisi käyttää tunnekokemuksen analysointiin
  • Mitkä ovat tunnekokemuksen yleisimmät sudenkuopat ja miten välttää ne

>> Katso ilmainen tallenne täältä

Be there or be square: ke 24.11, klo 15.00-16.00

Ilmainen webinaari: Mitä NPS:n jälkeen? Tunnekokemus valtaa markkinoita suositteluindeksiltä

>> Katso ilmainen tallenne täältä


Minna Killström Linkedin

KTT, Tietokirjailija ja asiakaskokemuksen ammattilainen
Minna Killström on ihmisistä ja tunteista kiinnostunut asiakaskokemuksen kehittäjä ja asiantuntija. Hän on työskennellyt liiketoiminnan kehityksen, konsultoinnin ja markkinoinnin parissa. Minna on myös strategiaviestinnän vastaanottamisesta väitellyt kauppatieteiden tohtori.

Jaakko Männistö Linkedin

Palkittu CX johtaja, Founder, Tutkija
Jaakko on startup-yrittäjä ja kansainvälisesti palkittu asiakaskokemuksen mittaamisen ammattilainen kasvuyhtiö Feedbacklyssä sekä Suomen suurimman yrittäjien digitaalisen yhteisön Yrittäjä.io:n perustaja. Hän on myös Emotional Value Index eli EVI® -mittariston kehittäjä ja tunnemittaamisen globaali edelläkävijä sekä yksi CX Forumin perustajista.

Tämän webinaarin järjestää CX Forum yhdessä kumppaneiden kanssa Yrittäjä.io, Carepage ja Feedbackly.

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Free Webinar: Spotting Opportunities From Positive And Negative Feedback

Free Webinar: Spotting Opportunities From Positive And Negative Feedback

Recording now available!

>> Enjoy your free recording here

One of the biggest questions regarding the collection of customer feedback is: How can you make customer feedback work for your business?

In this webinar, we will tackle this question and help you understand how to collect quality data from your customers, how to spot opportunities from your happy and unhappy customers in order to drive sales, boost customer loyalty, and reduce churn.

Join us on October 27th to learn about how to spot sales opportunities as well as how to reduce churn using your customer feedback.

This webinar is brought to you by CXforum partners Carepage and Feedbackly.

>> Enjoy your free recording here

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to collect quality customer feedback
  • Spotting opportunities from positive and negative feedback
  • Using what you find out from customer feedback to drive sales, boost loyalty image, and reduce churn

Date: Wednesday, October 27th
Time: 9 AM EST (UTC -4)/4 PM EEST (UTC +3)
Running time: 45 min

PS! No worries if you are not able to attend in real-time. Register now and we’ll send a recording afterward!

>> Enjoy your free recording here

About the speaker:

Troy Woodson

Troy is Director of Customer Acquisitions at Feedbackly, one of the most flexible Customer Experience management platforms available. The Feedbackly team has helped many industry leaders across the world succeed with their CX programs and become CX front-runners. Among the many, they have helped the City of Helsinki, Merck, Innovasport, the Australian Government, Banregio. Troy will share his experience and the learnings of Feedbackly about how winning companies use their customer feedback to increase sales and reduce churn.

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Free Webinar: Using Your Customer Feedback To Increase Revenue

Free Webinar: Using Your Customer Feedback To Increase Revenue

Recording now available!

>> Enjoy the recording of the webinar here

Reputation’s CX Strategy Director, Chris Sparling will look at where CX sits in 2021’s ever-evolving world. How can businesses of all sizes use the omnichannel feedback of their customers, from both structured and unstructured sources, to improve their operations and turn these improvements into directly attributable revenue?

And what are the other reasons why businesses would want to do this? The experiences of your customers can also be used to attract new customers and help to showcase your brand online; Chris will also cover how brands can truly understand the insight behind the feedback, and use that insight to attract new customers to continue growth, and look into some of the common challenges when it comes to monetising feedback.

Join us on September 22nd to learn about the connection between your customer feedback and your business reputation, and how CX leaders turn this customer feedback into attributable revenue.

This webinar is brought to you by CXforum partners Reputation, Carepage and Feedbackly.

>> Enjoy the recording of the webinar here

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to optimise your reputation and online presence
  • How to leverage customer feedback to increase revenue
  • How to manage customer feedback and CX at scale
  • How to truly understand the insight behind the feedback
  • Challenges with monetising feedback and some tips on how to make it happen

Date: Wednesday, September 22nd
Time: 9 AM EST (UTC -4)/4 PM EEST (UTC +3)
Running time: 45 min

PS! No worries if you are not able to attend in real-time. Register now and we’ll send a recording afterward!

>> Enjoy the recording of the webinar here

About the speakers:

Chris Sparling, CX Strategy Director at Reputation

Chris Sparling is a 15-year veteran of the Customer Experience sector. Chris gets the most satisfaction from helping others find solutions that make them more successful, and situations where he can apply his skills to many situations. Chris has extensive experience within Retail, Hospitality, Automotive, Travel, Call Centres, and Digital/Technology sectors, in a range of businesses. Some of Chris’ key strengths and experience lie within CX strategic planning, CX program design, strategic relationship building, storytelling through data insights, sales pitching, SaaS, client relations and big data. His last role was at InMoment where he held a number of roles across a 10-year stint with the business. In his current role, Chris works with Reputation as their CX Strategy Director, and has been with the Silicon Valley-headquartered business since September 2020. He lives in Derbyshire, the UK with his wife and two daughters.

This webinar was live on September 22nd, 2021. We are happy to see the interest in the topic was big. Huge thanks to all the registrants and participants!

Enjoy the free replay:

Free Webinar: How Winning Companies Turn Customer Experience Data Into Action

Free Webinar: How Winning Companies Turn Customer Experience Data Into Action

Recording now available!

>> Enjoy the recording of the webinar here

Measuring CX is more popular than ever, but only a few businesses are following the main principles of Customer Experience Analytics and actually getting valuable insights from the customer feedback gathered. It doesn’t need to be that difficult and we have invited two experts to show you how simple it can be!

We have invited a Customer Experience professional and an expert in world-class reporting to show how leading businesses around the world ensure that customer feedback they are gathering is easy to understand and actionable. They have found 7 principles that the winners are following (and you should follow) to make sure that everyone from your web store manager to C-Suite is able to make sense of your CX data and use it in decision-making.

Join us on August 31st to find out the main rules of Customer Experience analytics that leading companies around the world are following to make customer feedback actionable on any level of a company, from C-Suite to a store manager.

This webinar is brought to you by CXforum partners, Carepage and Feedbackly.

>> Enjoy the recording of the webinar here

In this webinar you will learn:

  • 7 principles that winning companies are following to keep their customer feedback actionable
  • How & why to present CX data to your C-Suite
  • How do the CX analytics dashboards of leading companies actually look like (real-life examples!)

Date: Tuesday, August 31st
Time: 9 AM EST (UTC -4)/ 4 PM EEST (UTC +3)
Running time: 45 min

PS! No worries if you are not able to attend in real-time. Register now and we’ll send a recording afterward!

>> Enjoy the recording of the webinar here

Free Webinar: How Winning Companies Turn Customer Experience Data Into Action

About the speakers:

Troy Woodson

Troy is Director of Customer Acquisitions at Feedbackly, one of the most flexible Customer Experience management platforms available. The Feedbackly team has helped many industry leaders across the world succeed with their CX programs and become CX front-runners. Among the many, they have helped the City of Helsinki, Merck, Innovasport, the Australian Government, Banregio. Troy will share his experience and the learnings of Feedbackly about how winning companies make their data actionable.

Mieke Houbrechts

Mieke is the Marketing Manager of, a software platform providing powerful embedded analytics solutions for SaaS platforms & enterprises. Mieke and her team have helped SaaS businesses and enterprises globally to make their data easily accessible and interpretable for their customers through interactive, embedded visualizations. They’ve helped companies like Selligent Marketing Cloud, Proximus and the City of Antwerp save months of development time.

This webinar was live on August 31st, 2021. Big thanks to all the registrants and participants. We’re thrilled that the webinar had almost 400 registrants! Thank you!

Enjoy the free replay: