Virtuaalinen takkakeskustelu Stockmannin kanssa: Tunnekokemus – mikä, miten ja miksi? (in Finnish)

Virtuaalinen takkakeskustelu Stockmannin kanssa: Tunnekokemus – mikä, miten ja miksi? (in Finnish)

Liity seuraamme rentoon takkakeskusteluun kuulemaan, miten ja miksi Stockmann, yksi Suomen suurimmista vähittäiskaupan toimijoista, mittaa tunnekokemusta.

Milloin? Tiistaina 29. maaliskuuta 2022 klo 16:00
Missä? Verkossa
Kesto: 60 min

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Tunnekokemuksen on todettu olevan käänteentekevä sitä mittaaville yrityksille. Asiakaskokemuksen ja markkinoinnin ammattilaiset ovat entistä kiinnostuneempia oppimaan, kuinka he voivat mitata ja hallita asiakkaiden tunteita.

Tästä syystä kutsuimme Sara Toivakaisen, Stockmannin Chief Customer Experience Officerin istumaan alas kanssamme ja keskustelemaan tarkemmin siitä miksi Stockmann mittaa tunnekokemusta, kuinka he sitä mittaavat ja millaisia vaikutuksia tunnekokemuksen mittaamisella on havaittu sekä asiakaskokemusstrategian että liiketoiminnallisten tulosten näkökulmasta. 

Otamme kysymyksiä vastaan myös yleisöltä, joten olet lämpimästi tervetullut osallistumaan keskusteluun ja hyödyntämään mahdollisuutesi esittää myös kysymyksiä. 

Keskustelun chattia moderoi Feedbacklyn Jaakko Männistö. 

Tule kuulolle tai osallistu mukaan keskusteluun esittämällä päivän polttavia kysymyksiä asiakkaiden tunteiden mittaamiseen ja hallintaan liittyen. Tervetuloa!

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Stockmannin Chief Customer Experience Officer, (M.Sc.)
Sara on pitkän linjan asiakas- ja työntekijäkokemuksen ammattilainen sekä tietojen käsittelyopin maisteri, joka on innostunut muotoiluajattelusta. Saran intohimo on tehdä aidosti ihmiskeskeistä liiketoimintaa, asiakaskokemuksen optimointi ja asiakas- ja yritysarvon maksimointi. Sara on myös Stockmannin johtoryhmän jäsen. Sara ja Stockmann ovat olleet tiiviisti mukana kehittämässä Emotional Value Index (EVI®) – tunnemittarin mittausmetodologiaa.

Stockmann Group:illa on noin 460 myymälää ja omaa toimintaa 19 maassa. Stockmann on yksi Suomen suurimmista vähittäiskaupan jälleenmyyjistä, jonka valikoimiin kuuluvat monipuoliset ja laadukkaat muodin, kauneuden- ja kodintuotteita.


Palkittu CX johtaja, Feedbacklyn toimitusjohtaja, CX Forumin Co-Founder
Jaakko on startup-yrittäjä ja kansainvälisesti palkittu asiakaskokemuksen mittaamisen ammattilainen kasvuyhtiö Feedbacklyssä sekä Suomen suurimman yrittäjien digitaalisen yhteisön Yrittäjä.io:n perustaja. Hän on myös Emotional Value Index eli EVI® -mittariston kehittäjä ja tunnemittaamisen globaali edelläkävijä sekä yksi CX Forumin perustajista.

Lataa tallenne täältä!

Virtuaalinen takkakeskustelu Stockmannin kanssa: Tunnekokemus – mikä, miten ja miksi? (in Finnish)

Virtual Fireside Chat with Stockmann: Emotional Experience – What, How, Why

Recording now available!

Join us for a cozy fireside chat to learn how and why Stockmann, one of the biggest retailers in Finland, is measuring Emotional Experience

Date: Wednesday, March 30
Time: 9 AM EDT (UTC -4)/4 PM EEST (UTC +3)
Running time: 60 min

>> Enjoy your free recording here

PS! On March 29th took place a fireside chat with Stockmann in the Finnish language. You can get a recording of it here.

Emotional Experience is found to be a game-changer for businesses measuring it. CX and marketing professionals are interested more than ever before in learning about how they can measure and manage customers’ emotions.

This is why we invited Sara Toivakainen, Chief Customer Experience Officer at Stockmann, to sit down with us for a cozy fireside chat where we will discuss why Stockmann is measuring Emotional Experiencehow they are measuring it, and what has been the impact on their CX program as well as on the business results.

We’ll also be taking questions from the audience – welcome to join and ask your questions! The chat will be moderated by Evely Kaasiku from Feedbackly.

Welcome to join us and use a chance to ask questions from a CX colleague with experience in measuring and managing customers’ emotions, or join us to listen only.

>> Enjoy your free recording here



Chief Customer Experience Officer at Stockmann
Customer & Employee Experience professional, Master of Science in Knowledge Management, design thinking enthusiast. Sara’s passion is to truly do people-centric business, optimize customer experience and maximize customer & business value creation. At the moment, she is a part of the leadership team of Stockmann, one of the biggest retailers in Finland. Sara and Stockmann have been part of developing the Emotional Value Index (EVI®) – Emotional Experience measurement methodology.

Stockmann Group owns about 460 stores and has operations in 19 countries. Stockmann is one of the biggest retailers in Finland offering a diverse and high-quality selection of fashion, beauty, and home products for a wonderful everyday life.


Marketing Manager at Feedbackly, Head of Community at CX Forum
Evely is a full-stack marketing professional who has always been interested in human psychology and its impact on decision-making. She has almost 10 years of experience in marketing, which includes various experience at B2C as well as B2B. During her career, she has even led her own startup with a goal to change the world of customer feedback collection – Customer Experience has always been in her heart. Today, she is Marketing Manager at Feedbackly, the only CX platform that provides an all-in-one solution for measuring customers’ emotions.

PS! On March 29th takes place a Fireside Chat with Stockmann in the Finnish language. Learn more about it here.

Enjoy the free replay here:

Free Webinar: Integrating Your EX and CX – A Key Strategy for Success in Healthcare

Free Webinar: Integrating Your EX and CX – A Key Strategy for Success in Healthcare

Recording now available!

>> Enjoy your free recording here

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX) have risen to the forefront of many businesses. Experience is what matters, and what makes your customers, as well as employees, stay loyal to your business. But how to integrate CX and EX successfully to grow your business?

Too often businesses run surveys just to measure their customers’ experience across key service areas of their organization, but they forget that their employees are the eyes and ears of their organization. Just like they survey clients and their loved ones together to map themes or perception gaps, they often forget how important it can be to hear from employees about their experience and observations of the client experience and where they feel improvements can be made to enhance service design and the overall customer experience. Are you measuring EX and CX combined to deliver an enhanced customer experience?

We know it is difficult, and this is why we put together this webinar with the CX and EX experts in healthcare.

Join us on February 23rd to learn about one of the most important topics in healthcare today: how to deliver and measure an integrated CX and EX strategy in healthcare.

>> Enjoy your free recording here

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How does Employee Experience (EX) impact Customer Experience (CX)
  • Methods of delivering and measuring an integrated CX and EX strategy in healthcare
  • Technologies for enhanced EX and CX experiences – a case study

Date: Wednesday, February 23rd
Time: 9 AM EET (UTC +2)/ 6 PM AEDT (UTC +11)
Running time: 45 min

PS! No worries if you are not able to attend in real-time. Register now and we’ll send a recording afterward!

>> Enjoy your free recording here

>> Enjoy your free recording here

About the speakers:

CEO & Founder of CarePage Business

Lauren has worked in the healthcare industry for over 15 years from clinical to senior managerial roles across acute, palliative care and aged care services.

Lauren has established CarePage to drive improved quality of care for the elderly through data collection and analytics tools in the aged care and retirement village sector. She founded Aged Care Report Card Pty Ltd back in 2014 that was the genesis of the innovation that is shaping the market today.

Head of Customer Success at CarePage Business

With over 10 years of experience in aged care, Janine has worked both in-house and agency side to deliver research, strategy, brand, marketing, and communications.

Driven to design and develop solutions to better improve outcomes for both older people and businesses operating in the sector, Janine maintains a deep understanding of sector reform and intra-dynamics and is constantly exploring the latest innovation in models for care and services globally.

This webinar is brought to you by CXforumCarepage and Feedbackly.

Enjoy the free replay here:

Free webinar. Experience at Scale: Building and Growing an Impactful CX Program

Free webinar. Experience at Scale: Building and Growing an Impactful CX Program

Recording now available!

>> Enjoy your free recording here

The larger the organization, the more important it is to standardize your CX program while having it personalized and localized enough. ManpowerGroup, the world’s leading workforce solutions company, has clearly done a successful job at this and they are a great example for all international companies that aim to build experiences that your customers love.

We have invited ManpowerGroup’s Director of Global Experience & NPS, Bianca Gonteanu-Jurjiu, to share their journey about building and growing an impactful CX program.

How to handle the complexity of large-scale CX programs? How to scale and manage your multidimensional experience team? What are the main differences between managing experiences B2C and B2B? How has ManpowerGroup’s CX program evolved over time? What are ManpowerGroup’s biggest challenges and the keys to success? At this webinar, we will answer these questions and more.

Join us on February 2nd to learn about how to build and grow an impactful global CX program.

>> Enjoy your free recording here

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Handling complexity and diversity: keys to success in large scale CX programs
  • B2B versus B2C – what we’ve learned
  • Overcoming challenges
  • Keeping your program alive and growing
  • Leveraging CX for business success

Date: Wednesday, February 2nd
Time: 9 AM EST (UTC -5)/4 PM EET (UTC +2)
Running time: 60 min

PS! No worries if you are not able to attend in real-time. Register now and we’ll send a recording afterward!

>> Enjoy your free recording here

Free webinar. Experience at Scale: Building and Growing an Impactful CX Program

>> Enjoy your free recording here

About the speaker:

Director of Global Experience and NPS

Bianca is Director of Global Experience and NPS at ManpowerGroup, the world’s leading workforce solutions company. For the past 4 years, she has overseen the large-scale deployment of the company’s CX program for both clients (B2B) and talent (B2C) in more than 50 countries, across 5 continents. Bianca and her team are responsible for the strategy, technology, learning and quality of the global and national CX activities, working with more than 100 national representatives to ensure that all levels in the business are accountable for the customer experience and consistently leverage the measurement and insight that the CX program provides.

This webinar is brought to you by CXforumCarepage and Feedbackly.

Enjoy the free replay:

Free Webinar: What’s After NPS? Emotional Experience Is Dominating The CX Market

Free Webinar: What’s After NPS? Emotional Experience Is Dominating The CX Market

Recording now available!

>> Enjoy your free recording here

Technology is developing faster than ever before and this is one of the reasons why Customer Experience and managing it has become a competitive advantage of the businesses that win in the long term. In order to manage it, you need to measure it. Leaders in CX know it and this is what differentiates them from the average business. But there is one thing that even the leaders are still learning about – how to measure Emotional Experience.

Purchase decision making has turned into more emotion, experience and customer journey based, but the methods businesses use today for measuring experiences are still on the level they were back in the 70s. Customer behavior has changed and it’s time to keep up with it. Are you keeping up with the new trends?

If you read this, you probably agree that human behavior has changed. This is why we have put together this webinar and invited two Emotional Experience pioneers, Minna Killström and Jaakko Männistö, to talk about what is Emotional Experience, how it is impacting your business revenue, and how you can measure and manage it.

>> Enjoy your free recording here

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How purchase decision making has changed towards more emotion-based
  • What is Emotional Experience and how it is impacting your business revenue
  • How can you collect data about your Emotional Experience
  • Which KPIs to use for analyzing Emotional Experience
  • What are the common pitfalls in measuring Emotional Experience and how to avoid them

Date: Tuesday, December 21st
Time: 9 AM EST (UTC -5)/4 PM EET (UTC +2)
Running time: 60 min

>> Enjoy your free recording here

>> Enjoy your free recording here

About the speakers:

Minna Killström Linkedin

Ph.D. of Economics, Nonfiction Author, Customer Experience Professional
Minna is a CX developer and expert interested in people and emotions. She has experience in business development, consulting and marketing. As a sign of her commitment to human behavior’s impact on business, Minna has a Ph.D. in Strategic Communication.

Jaakko Männistö Linkedin

Awarded CX Leader, Founder, Researcher
Jaakko is a startup entrepreneur and an internationally awarded CX professional. Jaakko is a founder and CEO of Feedbackly, co-founder of CX Academy and CXforum. He also is one of the developers of the Emotional Value Index (EVI®) measurement framework and a global front-runner in Emotional Experience.

This webinar is brought to you by CXforum, Carepage ja Feedbackly.

Enjoy the free replay:

Free Webinar: What’s After NPS? Emotional Experience Is Dominating The CX Market

Ilmainen webinaari: Mitä NPS:n jälkeen? Tunnekokemus valtaa markkinoita suositteluindeksiltä

Webinaari saatavana nyt tallenteena!

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Teknologian kehittyessä entistä nopeampaa, asiakaskokemuksesta ja sen johtamisesta on tullut tärkein pitkän aikavälin kilpailuetu, jota myös halutaan johtaa ja mitata. Sen vuoksi mittaamisesta on tullut suositumpaa kuin koskaan, eikä syyttä. Teknologian nopeassa kehityksessä vain harvat yritykset pystyvät kilpailemaan puhtaasti teknologian pohjalta ja jättämään asiakkaan huomiotta. Asiakaskokemus on uusi kilpailuetu, joka ratkaisee sen, pysytkö kilpailussa mukana vai et.

Ongelma on se, että vaikka ostokäyttäytyminen on muuttunut tunne-, kokemus- ja asiakaspolkuvetoiseksi, mittaamme asiakaskokemuksia yhä kuten 70-luvulla. Liiketoiminta ja ennen kaikkea asiakas muuttui, mutta me jäimme viime vuosituhannelle.

Jos luet tätä, olet todennäköisesti samaa mieltä.

CX Forumilla on ilo esitellä, ensimmäinen suomenkielinen webinaarimme, jossa mukana keskustelemassa kaksi tunnekokemuksen suomalaista pioneeriä, Minna Killström ja Jaakko Männistö. Käymme läpi mitä on tunnekokemus, miksi se on tärkeää juuri sinun liiketoiminnalle ja miten sitä voi johtaa ja mitata. Minnan ja Jaakon käytännönläheinen lähestyminen aiheeseen on saanut kiitosta ja vetänyt maailmalla suuria yleisöjä.

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Tässä webinaarissa opit:

  • Miten ostopäätösten teko on muuttunut tunnelähtöisemmäksi
  • Mitä tunnekokemus on ja miksi se on tärkeää juuri sinun liiketoiminnallesi
  • Kuinka kerätä tietoa tunnekokemuksesta
  • Mitä mittareita meidän tulisi käyttää tunnekokemuksen analysointiin
  • Mitkä ovat tunnekokemuksen yleisimmät sudenkuopat ja miten välttää ne

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Be there or be square: ke 24.11, klo 15.00-16.00

Ilmainen webinaari: Mitä NPS:n jälkeen? Tunnekokemus valtaa markkinoita suositteluindeksiltä

>> Katso ilmainen tallenne täältä


Minna Killström Linkedin

KTT, Tietokirjailija ja asiakaskokemuksen ammattilainen
Minna Killström on ihmisistä ja tunteista kiinnostunut asiakaskokemuksen kehittäjä ja asiantuntija. Hän on työskennellyt liiketoiminnan kehityksen, konsultoinnin ja markkinoinnin parissa. Minna on myös strategiaviestinnän vastaanottamisesta väitellyt kauppatieteiden tohtori.

Jaakko Männistö Linkedin

Palkittu CX johtaja, Founder, Tutkija
Jaakko on startup-yrittäjä ja kansainvälisesti palkittu asiakaskokemuksen mittaamisen ammattilainen kasvuyhtiö Feedbacklyssä sekä Suomen suurimman yrittäjien digitaalisen yhteisön Yrittäjä.io:n perustaja. Hän on myös Emotional Value Index eli EVI® -mittariston kehittäjä ja tunnemittaamisen globaali edelläkävijä sekä yksi CX Forumin perustajista.

Tämän webinaarin järjestää CX Forum yhdessä kumppaneiden kanssa Yrittäjä.io, Carepage ja Feedbackly.

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